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marine_spatial_ecology / phenokde
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Host all codes developped by Corentin during his Master 2 thesis at Observatoire Pelagis
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pelaverse / pelaDSM
GNU General Public License v3.0 only📦 R package to perform CDS and DSM analysisUpdated -
Methods to take into account digit preference (heaping) in count data of wildlife
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Codes to implement regularized multilevel regression with post-stratification in the context of bycatch estimation
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pelaverse / pelaMSFD
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
pelaverse / pbrFrTuning
MIT Licenseshiny
📦 to visualize Factor of resilience (Fr) tuning according to different simultationUpdated -
Supplementary information on Rouby et al. (Frontiers in Marine Science, in prep.)
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pelaverse / AMBIdsm
MIT License📦 R package to perform distance sampling and distribution surface models from multiple surveysUpdated -
Additional simulations for determining a anthropogenic removals limit on Harbour Porpoises in the Belt Sea using the PBR control rule
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shinyViz / bilanEchouage
MIT LicenseUpdated -
pelaverse / iTRAS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -