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Commit 3489c033 authored by Randrianarisona Aaron's avatar Randrianarisona Aaron
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parent 664084c6
No related branches found
Tags v1.0.3
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #39213 failed with stages
in 9 seconds
......@@ -126,9 +126,12 @@ run tests:
## poetry-dynamic-versioning configuration
- pour ajouter le plugin poetry-dynamic-versioning au projet:
- pour ajouter le plugin poetry-dynamic-versioning au projet et le verifier:
sudo poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
sudo poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
pip install poetry-dynamic-versioning
poetry self show
poetry dynamic-versioning --help
À ajouter dans pyproject.toml :
......@@ -137,40 +140,14 @@ sudo poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
enable = true
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.2", "poetry-dynamic-versioning>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"]
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.3", "poetry-dynamic-versioning>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry_dynamic_versioning.backend"
pour specifier le pattern à utiliser pour le numéro de version , dans pyproject.toml:
pattern = """(?x) (?# ignore whitespace)
^v?((?P<epoch>\\d+)!)?(?P<base>\\d+(\\.\\d+)*) (?# 1.2.3 or 1!2000.1.2)
([-._]?((?P<stage>[a-zA-Z]+)[-._]?(?P<revision>\\d+)?))? (?# b0)
(\\+(?P<tagged_metadata>.+))?$ (?# +linux)
# version format
format-jinja = """
{%- set epoch = epoch if epoch|length else none -%}
{%- if distance == 0 -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(base, stage, revision, epoch=epoch) -}}
{%- elif stage is not none -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(base, stage, revision if revision else 0, epoch=epoch, post=distance, dev=0, metadata=[commit]) -}}
{%- elif branch.startswith('main/') -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(branch['hotfix/' | length:], 'a', 0, epoch=epoch, dev=distance, metadata=[commit]) -}}
{%- elif branch.startswith('hotfix/') -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(branch['hotfix/' | length:], 'a', 0, epoch=epoch, dev=distance, metadata=[commit]) -}}
{%- elif branch.startswith('release/') -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(branch['release/' | length:], 'a', 0, epoch=epoch, dev=distance, metadata=[commit]) -}}
{%- elif branch.startswith('feature/') -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(base, stage, revision, epoch=epoch, post=distance, dev=0, metadata=[branch_escaped['feature' | length:][:16], commit]) -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- serialize_pep440(base, stage, revision, epoch=epoch, post=distance, dev=0, metadata=[commit]) -}}
{%- endif -%}
sur gitlab, les tags doit etre de la forme "v1.0.0", en commençant par un "v"
Puis pour le build et obtenir le dossier dist:
poetry install
poetry build
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